
Welcome to the Boozer Blog!

“If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.”  – Marc Anthony

As it turns out, I’ve worked a lot.  Don’t get me wrong.  I like what I do in my day job, some days more than others, but it is work.  I don’t exactly love it.

So, what is it I do love?  A good cocktail – I do love a good cocktail.  Also, I love a good bottle of rosé.  Being from Wisconsin, you know I love a nice cold beer…and brandy.  Stop me when you notice a trend.

Boozer Blogger in a German beer hall

Besides my indiscriminate love of a nice drink, I also have a love of travel.  I’ve been fortunate enough to travel much of the world.  Sometimes for work, sometimes for my personal curiosities.  Like the local cuisine, the local drink must be consumed to really experience a culture.  Usually more than one drink.

It is the combination of those loves that has brought me to the Boozer Blog.  I began to realize the way various cultures had influenced me at home in Chicago, and how passionate I had become about sharing those experiences with my friends and family.  The Boozer Blog is intended to be a resource for those who have a passion for exploring beer, wine and spirits in all their forms.   This isn’t about over-indulgence or getting drunk. It’s about appreciating the difference between a fresh margarita and a pre-mixed drink that calls itself a margarita. It’s my hope that we become a community of like-minded, booze enthusiasts that share experiences, tips and tricks, that will help others pick a great low-cost wine, make a better mojito, and plan a better microbrewery road-trip.

So, welcome to our blog.  I look forward to where this takes us.  Cheers!

-Aaron, Boozer Blogger